Friday, April 2, 2010

1st of april

Friday, April 2, 2010
So fast i hv over my 18th birthday!!!! jx like blinking my eyes then over tat day ared..feel a bit sad..Should b hapi too cz i hv grow up..Tats nthg special had happened on my bday..just as usual..nid 2 work agn..i teach a japanese boy chinese..tthen i ask him teach me japanese xp he ony 6years old..very very cute..nex tym i must get a chance to capture his cute picture..he oso vry talkactive..keep talking wif me while he r writing..Hup cn c him agn nex wek =] jx hanging out wif my frenz 2 celebrate my bday..went 2 watched movie..Beauty on is a nice n funny movie..i lik it..Havent get many presents yet..hope cn get more soonnn XD hehe.. My da hv gv me a wallet tat i like it so much..thanks daddy^^ n thx 4 everyone who stil rmbr my bday n wishing me..thx a lot..I will appreciate it =) thanks u guyss!!!

Card designed by Cherise n Audrey..Thank you so much :)

Beauty on duty..funny movie XD


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